Mohamed Faji

Software Engineer | Specialized in Full-Stack Web Development

Full Stack Engineer specializing in end-to-end web solutions with Java Spring Boot and modern JavaScript frameworks. Passionate about building scalable applications that solve real-world problems, with a focus on collaboration and continuous learning.

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Backend Development

Building robust and scalable backend
solutions for optimal performance and functionality.

Frontend Development

Designing and making captivating
user interfaces with a focus on seamless
functionality and engaging user experiences.

UI/UX design

Elevating digital interactions through
intuitive UI/UX design, creating user-centric experiences that resonate.


I have brought here my favorite works as a
full-stack web developer.


Online Grocery React App Store

Build and deploy a full-stack Next.js online grocery store app, creating a seamless shopping experience using React, Strapi, and Tailwind CSS!


Yumrush Food Delivery App

Yumrush is a front-end project for a food delivery app designed to streamline the ordering process for users. Created using React and Vanilla CSS. I still work on the backend with ExpressJS and it's going to be deployed soon...


Below is a summary of the places where I have worked.



Self-employed/ Casablanca

VOID Agency/ Casablanca

Faculty of Science Semlalia/ Marrakech

BTS/ Settat


Software Engineer

Software Developer

Full-stack Web Developer

Full-stack Web Developer

Mobile Developer


2024 - Present

2023 - 2024

02/2023 - 08/2023

04/2021 - 08/2021

04/2020 - 07/2020


Below is a summary of the places I studied

2021 - 2023

Specialized Master - Information Systems Engineering

Faculty of Science Semlalia, Marrakech

2020 - 2021

Professional License - Technologies and Web Programming

Faculty of Science Semlalia, Marrakech

2018 - 2020

BTS - Information Systems Development

BTS preparation classes, Settat

We look forward to hearing from you!

Casablanca, Morocco